BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Head-Up Display



The very name "Head-Up" describes the principle benefit of this system. The Head-up Display (HUD) projects a virtual image into the driver's field of vision. Important information such as cruise con

 System Functions

The Principle The HUD can be compared to a projection device. A light source is required to project the HUD information. The two LED arrays (red and green) serve as the light source. The image conte

 System Component

The head-up display is fitted above the steering column, immediately behind the instrument cluster. It is fastened to the bulkhead supporting structure by three hexagon-head bolts. Fig. 38: Identify


 Removing And Installing/Replacing Steering Column

IMPORTANT: To avoid damaging the coil spring cassette, it is necessary to remove the steering wheel because of the absence of a steering column lock! Necessary preliminary tasks Move steering column into "extended" position. Disconnect BATTERY EARTH LEAD. Remove steering wheel. Remove steerin

 Replacing Rear Cross Member On Luggage Compartment Floor (Tail Panel Removed)

Read contents of BODY, GENERAL. STRIP DOWN VEHICLE Observe new procedure for bonding and riveting (REPAIR STAGE 2). Following new body parts are required: End of luggage compartment floor Following CONSUMABLES are required: MATERIAL CHART Fig. 181: Identifying End Of Luggage Compartment Floor

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