BMW 7 Series: Notes In The Event Of Vehicle Inclination
System-related causes (no faults)
The air in the spring struts is warmed by the engine heat and damper work and
expands. This raises the vehicle.
During a journey, ride height changes due to temperature changes in the air
suspension struts are corrected.
When the vehicle is stationary and switched off, these temperature effects may
lead to ride height changes and
inclinations that are not (cannot) be corrected. When the engine is hot, an
after-heating effect that occurs after the vehicle is parked, especially at the
consumer shutdown, causes the vehicle to be raised slightly and then, in
the cooling-down period, to be lowered again. In extreme cases, the vehicle can
be lowered by up to 50 mm at
the front axle due to this temperature effect. After the vehicle is parked, the
self-levelling suspension performs
three control procedures in the first 48 h in which, depending on system
availability, an attempt is made to
reduce inclinations by raising or lower the vehicle to a horizontal level. The
self-levelling suspension may lower
the vehicle by up to 40 mm below the normal level. For technical reasons,
inclinations in vehicles that have
been parked for lengthy periods cannot be avoided in air suspension systems.
Workshops are not able to check
the control functions in parked vehicles due to the system complexity.
Checking the ride height adjustment
- Adjust the vehicle to the normal level
- Read out the ride heights FL, FR, RL, RR via the diagnosis system
- Measure the ride height of the vehicle
- Compare the measured ride height with the nominal value
- Ride height = measured value - nominal value
- If the deviation from the nominal value >3 mm, perform the ride height
adjustment with the aid of the
diagnosis system
Possible causes of mechanical faults
- Sensor linkage reversed (sensor arms must always face outward, rear
axle: connector faces inward). Refer
to repair instructions
- Sensor bracket twisted (holder in centering bore? Holder must be flush
with rear axle support or spring
- Sensor linkage torn or bent
- Leakage (see check below)
Possible causes of electrical faults
- Water in the connector (corroded contacts) -> exchange the sensor and
connector. Sensor signal is
corrupted by voltage drop. Gradual process
- Short circuit (detected by control unit and output as fault message)
Leakage check
Larger leaks can be found using the following procedure. Smaller leaks are
considerably more difficult to find if
the effects of temperature change and axle strain are to be ruled out.
Specifications stipulate that the leak may
equal up to 2 mm per day (constant temperature, vehicle standing on skid pads ->
no axle strain).
- Position the vehicle in a room with largely constant temperature (+- 3ºC)
for approx. 10 -12 h and adjust
to the normal level. Do NOT set the parking brake!
- If the vehicle ride-level height deviates from the nominal ride-level
height by more than +- 10 mm, adjust
the vehicle to the nominal level again (ignition on, door open - --> all
doors closed, adjust level, ignition
off; let the engine run in emergencies only and only for a very brief time.
Do not get into the vehicle.)
- Place the EHC control unit into production mode via the diagnosis and
information system (deactivated
level controller)
- Measure and note down the ride heights
- Leave the vehicle standing for another 10 -12 h (constant temperature,
do not move the vehicle, do not get
in or out or make any other load changes)
- Measure and note down the ride heights
- If the ride heights are lower than the initial measurement by more than
10 mm at one or more wheel
stations, it can be concluded that there is a leak. Leaks may occur at the
air lines, the pneumatic
connecting elements and the spring strut.
- After completion of the leakage test, deactivate production mode again.
IMPORTANT: Maintain the highest possible standards of cleanliness around
the pipe
connections when dismantling and assembling components/pipes. Even the
tiniest dirt particles on the pipe connections or damage to the pipes can result
in leaks in the air spring system!
Do not kink, twist or crush lines.
Pipe connections must be sealed off with adhesive tape immediately after they
have been removed. The
adhesive tape may only be removed shortly before the connection is reinstalled.
Check air spring strut/air spring for damage.
Fig. 3: Identifying 2-Axle Ride-Height Control System Components
Air suspension strut, front left and right
Ride height sensor, front left and right
Vertical Dynamics Management (VDM) control uni
WARNING: If the engine hood/bonnet contact is pulled upwards
(workshop mode), the information "switch closed" is output. The automatic engine
start-stop function is active.
An automatic engine start
NOTE: The Service function Initial operation of Dynamic Drive must be
carried out
Work on the Dynamic Drive system which involved opening hydraulic
Replacement/Programming/Coding Dy
Observe procedure for REPAIR STAGE 3.
Read contents of BODY, GENERAL.
Following new body parts are required:
B-pillar with entrance
Fig. 84: Identifying B-Pillar With Entrance
Fig. 85: Identifying Welded Connections Areas
Mark severance cuts in accordance with specified measurements and cut.
In the vicinity of the steering wheel
Light switch element
Turn signal indicator, high beams
Instrument cluster
Start/Stop button
Indicator/warning lights
Instrument cluster
The indicator/warning lights can light up in a variety
of combinations and colors.
Several of the lights are