BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Integrated Suspension Systems / Connecting Lines / Removing And Installing/Renewing Pressure Line For VA1 Swivel Motor

BMW 7 Series: Removing And Installing/Renewing Pressure Line For VA1 Swivel Motor


WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! RISK OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

IMPORTANT: Adhere to the utmost cleanliness. Do not allow any dirt to enter the hydraulic system.

Do not draw off hydraulic fluid (risk of contamination).

Close off pipe connections with plugs 32 1 270


Catch and dispose of hydraulic fluid in a suitable expansion tank.

Necessary preliminary work


IMPORTANT: Pressure line and connections must be closed off with suitable seal plugs 32 1 270 immediately after removal!

Release banjo bolt (1).

Tightening torque 37 13 5AZ.

Connecting Lines
Fig. 65: Identifying Banjo Bolts

Release screws (1) from line clip on front axle support on left.

Tightening torque 37 13 7AZ.

Connecting Lines
Fig. 66: Identifying Pressure Line Clips Mounting Screws

Unlock holder (1) on front axle support at front and detach hydraulic line.

Installation note:

Replace damaged holders.

Connecting Lines
Fig. 67: Identifying Front Axle Support Holder

If necessary, release holders (1) and (2) of transmission fluid cooler lines in wheel arch on left.

Tightening torque 17 22 3AZ.

Connecting Lines
Fig. 68: Identifying Transmission Fluid Cooler Lines Holder

Release screw (1).

Remove pressure line.

Tightening torque 37 13 4AZ.

Connecting Lines
Fig. 69: Identifying Pressure Line Mounting Screws

IMPORTANT: When assembling, make sure that in succession only the seal plugs of the line to be fitted are removed.

When fitting lines, do not tilt connectors (sealing rings!) and connect fully before screwing.

Do not replace sealing rings on hydraulic lines.

Replace affected line if sealing ring is damaged.

After installation

  • Fill and bleed HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
  • Check line connections for tightness


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