BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Steering And Wheel Alignment / Pump And Oil Supply / Replacing Level Switch For Dynamic Drive Fluid Reservoir

BMW 7 Series: Replacing Level Switch For Dynamic Drive Fluid Reservoir

Necessary preliminary work

  • Remove intake duct for air filter housing.

Release screws (1) and (2).

Remove washers.

Tightening torque 32 41 1AZ/2AZ Remove fluid reservoir by pulling upwards.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 161: Identifying Washer Screws

NOTE: Raise and/or turn fluid reservoir in order to gain better access to plug connection.

Disconnect plug connection (1).

Turn level switch (2) through approx. 45º and remove towards bottom.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 162: Disconnect Plug Connection By Turning Level Switch


WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! RISK OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

IMPORTANT: Adhere to the utmost cleanliness. Do not allow any dirt to enter the hydraulic system.

Close off pipe connections with seal plugs.


Catch and dispose of hydraulic fluid in a suitable collecting vessel.

Necessary preliminary tasks

  • Draw off and dispose of hydraulic fluid from fluid reservoir
  • Remove underbody protection at front and rear.
  • Remove stiffening plate (only all-wheel drive vehicle and F04)
  • Lower front axle support (only F04)

Release screw (1).

Tightening torque 32 41 6AZ.

Release screw (2) on bracket.

Tightening torque 32 41 14AZ.

Disconnect pressure line (2) from power steering pump.

Installation note: Replace all sealing rings.

Make sure hydraulic line is laid without tension and with sufficient distance to adjoining components.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 163: Identifying Screw On Bracket

Release screw (1) and detach pressure line from holder.

Tightening torque 32 41 18AZ.

Installation note: Replace all sealing rings.

Make sure pressure line is laid without tension and with sufficient spacing to adjoining components.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 164: Identifying Power Steering Pump Pressure Line With Screw

Release screw (1).

Tightening torque 32 41 11AZ.

Disconnect pressure line (2).

Installation note: Replace all sealing rings.

Make sure hydraulic line is laid without tension and with sufficient distance to adjoining components.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 165: Identifying Pressure Line With Screw

After installation

  • Fill and bleed HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
  • Check pipe connections for leaks


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