BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Glossary

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System

The first-generation analog cellular phone system that originated in the United States.


Association of Public Communications Officials

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

An advanced digital cellular and PCS platform that converts audio signals into a stream of digital information (made up of 1s and 0s). This "digital speech packet" is transmitted via a wide-band channel consisting of several radio frequencies. CDMA differs from the other popular digital cellular platform, TDMA, in that it uses several frequencies instead of just one. These digital platforms ensure greater call clarity and security, prevent cloning fraud and allow a greater number of calls to be handled by a tower or response center at one time.

CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data

Using the existing AMPS system to carry digital data, by transmitting dense packets of information across vacant analog channels.


Cellular Telephone Industry Association

Data Bus

The central collection of wires that carry instructions to electronic components throughout the vehicle.


The low-power variant of GSM (the European digital standard). Uses a 1.8 GHz carrier. Example: Mercury One-2-One.


The proposed use of GSM (the European digital standard) with a 1.9 GHz carrier for PCS applications.

DCTU Digital Cordless Telephone U.S.

A standard based on a micro-cellular radio system that provides low-power cordless access between a subscriber and a base station up to a few hundred meters away. DCTU is a version of its European counterpart, DECT.

DECT Digital European Cordless Telephone

A standard based on a micro-cellular radio system that provides low-power cordless access between a subscriber and a base station up to a few hundred meters away.

ETACS Enhanced TACS (Total Access Communication System)

European analog cellular.

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

The standards body responsible for GSM.

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

Used for AMPS and TACS, the two key analog systems and their variants, this system gives each conversation its own unique radio channel.

FLEX Protocol

Created by Motorola, FLEX is the global de facto standard for high-speed, one-way alphanumeric paging. With its ability to handle more robust code transport messages effectively, Motorola's FLEX protocol is laying the foundation for graceful growth from 1600 to 6400 bits per second (bps) transmission rates.


A device that allows consumer products to interface with the communication system in vehicles, while protecting the vehicle's system from defective devices or inappropriate messages.

GPS Global Positioning System

Also refers to Global Positioning Satellite. A system using satellites, receivers and software to allow users to determine their exact geographic position.

GSM Global System for Mobiles

A European digital standard.


A variant of GSM, Half-Rate doubles system capacity by more efficient speech coding.

IDB ITS Data Bus

A medium-speed multiplexed bus intended for command and control of devices in vehicles. It has been proposed by Motorola and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) as an industry standard. Should this happen, IDB will allow device manufacturers to create products that will be compatible with all vehicles - versus today's data bus systems which differ by automobile manufacturer. The IDB would interface with an existing vehicle bus through a gateway.

iDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network

A new generation of digital wireless technology developed by Motorola to enable multiple services to be delivered from a single, integrated wireless communications system. iDEN is the backbone of the Nextel alldigital cellular service.


A Motorola protocol which enables transmission and storage of voice messages and offers enhanced privacy, channel efficiency and ease of use. What's more, InFLEXion allows greater detail and expression to come through.


The protocol for "roaming" within the U.S., describing how services should "hand over" between operators.


The TDMA standard for U.S. digital cellular.


The CDMA standard for U.S. digital cellular.

ISO 9000

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the ISO 9000 series of quality management and quality assurance standards in 1987 as a means to rationalize the many various national approaches to the subject of product quality. The ISO 9000 series has been widely recognized as an aid in developing manufacturing and service organizations' quality management as an additional assurance to product purchasers that the products and services they buy will consistently meet quality objectives.

ISO 9001

This standard is used when conformance with specific requirements is to be assured by the supplier during several product stages including design and development, production, testing, inspection and servicing.

ITS IntelligentTransportation Systems

A broad range of diverse technologies, including information processing, communications, control and electronics, which, when applied to our transportation system, can save time, money and lives.

ITS America IntelligentTransportation Systems of America

An organization mandated by the U.S. Congress in 1991 to foster public and private partnerships to increase the safety and efficiency of surface transportation through the application of advanced ITS technologies.

JDC Japanese Digital Cellular

Now renamed PDC.

JTAC Japanese Total Access Communication

Like the European TACS, JTAC is the Japanese analog cellular system.

LMR Land Mobile Radio

Wireless communication for specialized applications, such as taxis and emergency services.

MMI Man/Machine Interface

Also known as User Interface. The means by which the user interacts with a machine or device. In the past, knobs, dials and displays manipulated by a user's hand were common interfaces on technical devices. Today, MMI includes more advanced functions such as Voice Dialing, speech synthesis and touch screens.


Narrowband AMPS.

PCS Personal Communications Service

Service that bundles voice communications, numeric and text messaging, voice mail and other features into one device, service or bill.


Like DCS-1900, this refers to the proposed use of a 1.9 GHz carrier for PCS applications.

PDC Personal Digital Cellular

The Japanese cellular standard.

PHS Personal Handy System

The Japanese cordless phone standard.


A standard set of rules that governs how computers or other electronics communicate with one another.

Protocols define a message's format as well as how they are exchanged. Agreeing to a standard protocol allows different types of computer systems to communicate with one another in spite of their differences.

PSAP Public Safety Answering Point

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

QS 9000

The quality system standard established by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, truck manufacturers and other subscribing companies. This standard includes the ISO 9000 requirements, plus additional requirements for all aspects of the business. QS 9000 includes a detailed Advanced Product Quality Planning, Control Plan, Continuous Improvement, Production Part Approval Process, Manufacturing Capabilities methodologies and more.


The world's first two-way alphanumeric paging protocol, created by Motorola. ReFLEX enables pagers to confirm receipt, respond to and initiate messages.

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

A one-stop resource for technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space.

SIM Subscriber Identification Module

A card used in GSM to personalize a handset.

TACS Total Access Communication System

European analog cellular.

TCU Telematics Control Unit

The embedded vehicle control unit that communicates with the automobile controls, GPS satellite and customer service center to provide Telematics features to a driver.

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

An advanced digital cellular platform that converts audio signals into a stream of digital information (made up of 1s and 0s) and divides it into "digital speech packets" according to time. The packets are then transmitted one a single radio frequency. TDMA differs from the other popular digital cellular platform, CDMA, in that it uses one channel instead of many. These digital platforms ensure greater call clarity and security, prevent cloning fraud and allow a greater number of calls to be handled by a tower or response center at one time.

TETRA TErrestrial Trunked RAdio

European digital cellular land mobile radio system.

TIA Telecommunications Industry Association

The United States' telecommunications standards making body.

User Interface

Also known as Man/Machine Interface (MMI). The means by which the user interacts with a machine or device. In the past, knobs, dials and displays manipulated by a user's hand were common interfaces on technical devices. Today, User Interfaces include more advanced functions such as Voice Dialing, speech synthesis and touch screens.

VR Virtual Reality

Used in a variety of Motorola products and services, it is a type of computer-generated environment in which the user interacts with the environment in three dimensions that provide sensory information to make an individual feel that they are in a different place.

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

A standard that aims to align industry efforts to bring advanced applications and Internet content to digital cellular phones.


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