BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Notes On Adhesive K5

IMPORTANT: Note the following information before starting to apply adhesive!

  • Country-specific safety and industrial safety regulations
  • Material safety data sheet of manufacturer
  • Processing instructions on glue cartridge


Dry at 15º- 32ºC.

Shelf life

The glue cartridge is marked with a date.

Do not use the adhesive after this date.

Surface pre-treatment

See vehicle-specific repair instructions

Required cartridge gun

Overview of glue cartridge guns

Preparing the glue cartridge

The working temperature of glue cartridge must be at least 20ºC.

Opened glue cartridges may be used again before the expiry date as long as a new mixing tube is used.

Insert glue cartridge into cartridge gun, remove cap and allow both adhesive components to emerge. Strip adhesive components uniformly and attach mixing tube. Only use mixing tubes supplied with glue cartridge.

Before starting to apply adhesive, allow approx. 1 mixing tube length of mixed adhesive to emerge. Only then apply the mixed adhesive to one side of the bonding surface.

Pot life of adhesive is approx. 60 minutes at 23ºC.

Adhesive application

Read the vehicle-specific repair instructions to determine the thickness and positioning of the adhesive bead.

After applying the adhesive, check whether an adhesive component has emerged at the back of the glue cartridge. If yes, break off the bonding procedure. Clean new part. Use new glue cartridge. Contact national hotline.

Remove contamination caused by adhesive residue immediately.

Hardened adhesive can only be removed mechanically.

Hardening time

Do not move the vehicle before the adhesive has hardened.

Check the degree of hardness of the adhesive with a fingernail.

If the adhesive cannot be pressed in any further with a fingernail, the vehicle may be moved (without engine force) for further processing applications (e.g. painting).

The procedure may be accelerated by using a radiant heater. Let the adhesive harden for 30 minutes at 85ºC.

The component can then be processed in the joint areas.

Vehicle strength for driving applications is achieved after: 24 hours at a minimum object temperature of 23ºC.

or 1 hour in the spray booth (spray booth temperature 80ºC/object temperature 60ºC).

When using radiant heaters, make sure that the object temperature does not exceed 85ºC. Excessively high temperatures will destroy the adhesive.

Disposal of adhesive

Hardened adhesive is disposed of as normal waste.

Empty glue cartridges are disposed of as normal waste.

Non-hardened adhesives and mixtures of adhesive and solvent and the like must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

These regulations apply to the Federal Republic of Germany.

For other countries, comply with the (possibly differing) nationally applicable regulations.


Use only cleaning agent R1, as other cleaning agents cab be emollient/moistening or may start to dissolve the cathodic dip paint primer.


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