BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Steering And Wheel Alignment / Pump And Oil Supply / Removing And Installing/Replacing Belt Pulley On Vane Pump For Power Steering

BMW 7 Series: Removing And Installing/Replacing Belt Pulley On Vane Pump For Power Steering

NOTE: Carry out preliminary work as described in REPLACING DRIVE BELT.

Slacken screws (1) Relieve tension on DRIVE BELT and remove from belt pulley (2).

Unscrew bolts (1) and remove belt pulley (2).

Installation note:

Lettering on belt pulley (2) must point forwards.

Replace microencapsulated screws.

Tightening torque 32 41 4AZ.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 146: Identifying Drive Belt Pulley With Screws


WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! RISK OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

IMPORTANT: Adhere to the utmost cleanliness. Do not allow any dirt to enter the hydraulic system.

Seal off hydraulic lines with plugs.

Necessary preliminary tasks

  • Draw off and dispose of hydraulic fluid from fluid reservoir
  • Remove front left SUSPENSION CROSSBARS

Release screws (1) on wheel arch and screw (2) on expansion tank.

Remove washers.

Tightening torque 32 41 1AZ/2AZ.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 147: Identifying Screws On Wheel Arch And Expansion Tank

NOTE: Raise and/or turn fluid reservoir in order to gain better access to plug connection and hoses.

Release hose clamp (1) from radiator return line.

Tightening torque 32 41 3AZ.

Unfasten hose clip (2).

Installation: Replace hose clamp.

If necessary, disconnect plug connection (3) from oil level sensor

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 148: Identifying Radiator Return Line Hose Clamp, Clip And Plug Connection

Disconnect suction line and radiator return line from fluid reservoir.

Lift out fluid reservoir.


If necessary, modify LEVEL SWITCH.

After installation

  • Fill and bleed hydraulic system.
  • Check pipe connections for leaks.

Version with Dynamic Drive:

  • If necessary, carry out INITIAL DYNAMIC DRIVE OPERATION


NOTE: When replacing power steering pump: OIL RESERVOIR must be replaced in event of metal abrasion, sluggish pump shaft or increased dirt contamination! The filter integrated in the oil reservoir can only absorb a limited amount of foreign particles. If the filter clogs, the hydraulic system can no longer be sufficiently protected.

Metal abrasion is perceived in the oil reservoir as metallically glittering hydraulic fluid.

It is only necessary to replace the oil reservoir because of leaks (e.g. at hose connections) only in the event of the unavoidably high ingress of dirt.

WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! DANGER OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

IMPORTANT: Adhere to the utmost cleanliness. Do not allow any dirt to enter the hydraulic system.

Do not draw off hydraulic fluid (risk of contamination).

Necessary preliminary work

  • Mark HYDRAULIC STEERING GEAR on front axle support and remove
  • Draw off and dispose of hydraulic fluid from oil reservoir
  • Remove BELT PULLEY

Release screws (1) and remove holder from power steering pump.

Tightening torque 32 41 14AZ.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 149: Identifying Power Steering Pump Screws

Unfasten plug connection (1, 2) and disconnect.

Release screws (3).

Tightening torque 32 41 13AZ.

Release screw (4).

Tightening torque 32 41 10AZ.

Release hose clamp (5) and detach intake pipe from power steering pump.

Installation note: Replace hose clamp (5).

Align intake pipe by way of marking to power steering pump.

Make sure hydraulic lines are laid without tension and with sufficient distance to adjoining components.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 150: Identifying Plug Connections, Hose Clamp And Screws Of Power Steering Pump

Release screws (1, 2) and remove power steering pump.

Tightening torque 32 41 9AZ.

Installation note: Replace screws.

Make sure screws are installed in correct installation locations.

  • Screw (1) M10x110
  • Screw (2) M10x130

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 151: Identifying Power Steering Pump Screws

After installation

  • Fill and bleed HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
  • Check line connections for leak tightness
  • If necessary, carry out INITIAL DYNAMIC DRIVE OPERATION



WARNING: DANGER OF POISONING if oil is ingested/absorbed through the skin! RISK OF INJURY if oil comes into contact with eyes and skin!

IMPORTANT: Adhere to the utmost cleanliness. Do not allow any dirt to enter the hydraulic system.

Do not draw off hydraulic fluid (risk of contamination).

Close off pipe connections with plugs. 32 1 270


Catch and dispose of hydraulic fluid in a suitable container.

IMPORTANT: Pressure line and connections must be provided with suitable plugs 32 1 270 immediately after removal!

Necessary preliminary tasks

  • Remove left FRONT WHEEL
  • Remove left steering assembly COVER
  • Remove FAN COWL with electric fan
  • Release and disengage front ACTIVE STABILIZER BAR
  • Remove pressure lines from active stabilizer bar.

Release screw connection (1) on power steering pump and detach line.

Tightening torque 37 13 10AZ.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 152: Identifying Screw Connection On Power Steering Pump

Release holder (1) on power steering pump.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 153: Identifying Holder On Power Steering Pump

Release holder (1).

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 154: Identifying Holder

Release screw connection (1) on T-piece and remove expansion hose (3) towards top.

Tightening torque 37 13 11AZ.

Pump And Oil Supply
Fig. 155: Identifying Screw Connection On T-Piece And Expansion Hose

IMPORTANT: When assembling, make sure that in succession only the sealing plugs of the line to be fitted are removed.

When fitting lines, do not tilt connectors (sealing rings!) and connect fully before screwing.

Do not replace sealing rings on hydraulic lines.

Replace affected line if sealing ring is damaged.

After installation

  • Fill and bleed HYDRAULIC SYSTEM
  • Check line connections for leaks


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