BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Removing And Installing Three-Hole Flange


IMPORTANT: It is absolutely necessary to replace the sunk nut! The sunk nut already has a screw locking.

After the propeller shaft has been screwed into the rear axle final drive (sunk nut), a hardening time of at least 2 hours is absolutely necessary.

The hardening time may be extended at lower temperatures! Failure to comply with these instructions may cause serious damage!

Necessary preliminary work


Since the three-hole flange, the flexible disc and the propeller shaft are balanced as a single unit, the balance quality of the propeller shaft, flexible disc and three-hole flange may be compromised slightly when the three-hole flange is replaced.

IMPORTANT: Before removing propeller shaft: The three-hole flange and the propeller shaft must be reassembled in the same position.

Mark three-hole flange (1), flexible disc (2) and propeller shaft (3) in one plane.

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 11: Marking Three-Hole Flange, Flexible Disc And Propeller Shaft In One Plane

Release insert nut against direction of travel in clockwise direction with special tool 33 5 040 and 33 5 070.

Grip with special tool 23 0 020.

Release three-hole flange (1) from bevel pinion.

Tightening torque, see 26 11 6AZ under PROPELLER SHAFT. COMPLETE.

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 12: Removing Three-Hole Flange From Bevel Pinion Using Special Tool 23 0 020

Remove retaining clip (1) and gasket (2).

Installation note: Retaining clip and gasket must be replaced.

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 13: Identifying Clip And Gasket

Remove insert nut (1).

Installation note: Insert nut must be replaced.

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 14: Identifying Insert Nut

Before installing three-hole flange: Clean insert collar (1) on flange nut and gearing on bevel pinion (2).

Fill insert collar (1) with grease.


Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 15: Identifying Collar And Bevel Pinions

IMPORTANT: Thread of flange hub must not be contaminated with grease.

Clean thread (1) of flange hub to remove adhesive residues.

Clean hub teeth (2), then coat with grease.


Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 16: Identifying Thread Of Flange And Hub Teeth

Place flange nut (1) with seal in insert collar of flange nut.

Install retaining clip (2).

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 17: Identifying Flange Nut With Seal And Retaining Clip

IMPORTANT: The bihexagonal flange nut must not be used for bracing.

Failure to comply with this instruction may result in serious damage to the rear axle final drive.

IMPORTANT: Insert nut must be screwed into place within 5 minutes.

Tightening torque, see 26 11 6AZ under 26 11 PROPELLER SHAFT. COMPLETE.

Slide drive flange (1) to the limit position onto insert nut and secure.

Propeller Shaft, General and Assembly
Fig. 18: Sliding Drive Flange Onto Nut


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