BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Replacing Left Rear Side Wall

Read contents of BODY, GENERAL.


Observe new procedure for bonding and riveting (REPAIR STAGE 2).

Following new body parts are required:

  1. Side frame, rear
  2. Reinforcement plate, C-pillar (not shown)
  3. Reinforcement plates (not pictured)
  4. Lock nuts (not pictured)

Following consumables are required:




Fig. 372: Identifying Side Frame, Rear

Removing side wall

Fig. 373: Identifying Cavity Sealing, Welded Connections Areas And Spot-Welded Adhesive Joints Area

Mark severance cuts in accordance with specified dimensions and cut.

IMPORTANT: Cut outer panel only.

Compare position of severance cuts with REINFORCEMENT PLATES.

Dimension a = approx. 200 mm from center point of 25 mm dia. hole.

Dimension b = approx. 115 mm from roof edge.

Open welded connections in areas (1).

Open spot-welded adhesive joints in area (2) Open FOLDED BONDED CONNECTION in area (3).

Loosen side wall of cavity sealing (4).

NOTE: In addition to the dimensions, a TEMPLATE (1) may be used to determine the position of the separating cut.

Fig. 374: Identifying Template

Open welded connections in areas (1) and (2).

IMPORTANT: In areas (2), the welding spots must be released from the side wall.

Take off side wall.

Fig. 375: Identifying Welded Connections Areas

Open welded connections in area (1).

Release bonded joint (2).

Remove lock striker reinforcement.

Fig. 376: Identifying Welded Connections Areas And Bonded Joint

Preparation of new part

Mark severance cuts on the new part according to vehicle and cut.

Prepare REINFORCEMENT PLATES (bonded) at all severance cuts.

Separate weld joints in area (1) from inside.

Remove sill section (2).

Fig. 377: Identifying Weld Joints Area And Sill Section

Adjust new part to fit and secure.

In areas (1) and (2) set 4.2 mm dia. holes for blind rivets:

Area (1): 5 bore holes

Area (2): 4 bore holes

F02 only:

In area (1) 6 holes

Fig. 378: Identifying Blind Rivets Holes Areas

In areas (1) and (2) set 4.2 mm dia. holes for blind rivets:

Area (1): 3 bore holes

Area (2): 1 bore holes

Remove new part again and deburr bore holes.

Fig. 379: Identifying Blind Rivets Holes Area

IMPORTANT: Do not grind/sand new part in area of bonding surfaces.

Installing side wall

Clean all bonding surfaces on vehicle, on the new part and on the reinforcement plates with cleaning agent R1.

Apply adhesive to reinforcement plates. Install reinforcement plates.

Apply adhesive in areas (1).

Apply sealing compound to CAVITY SEALING at area 2.

Fig. 380: Identifying Adhesive Applying Areas

Apply adhesive in area (1) of lock striker reinforcement.

Fig. 381: Identifying Lock Striker Reinforcement Adhesive Applying Area

Apply adhesive (1) to inside of side wall at distance a.

Dimension a = approx. 5 mm.

Fig. 382: Identifying Side Wall Adhesive Applying Area

Fig. 383: Identifying Reinforcement Plates And Punch Rivets Area

Install side wall with a second person helping.

NOTE: When installing side wall, make sure there is sufficient adhesive on bonding surfaces.

After adjusting side wall to fit, tighten nuts of reinforcement plates (1).

Secure side wall in area of reinforcement plates with gripping pliers.

Rivet side wall with blind rivets N3.

Use 11 punch rivets N4 in area (2).

Use 2 punch rivets N4 in area (3).

In areas (4), fix the side wall using gripping pliers until the adhesive hardens.

Use N4 punch rivets in areas (1) to (3).

Use punch rivets N5 in areas (4) and (5).

IMPORTANT: In area (4), the punch rivets must be set from the side wall.




Fig. 384: Identifying Punch Rivets Area

Also apply adhesive (2) to outer wheel arch section (3).

  1. Rear side wall.

Fig. 385: Identifying Outer Wheel Arch Section Adhesive Applying Area

Flange edge of wheel arch (3) of side wall flush to outer wheel arch section.

Do not create sharp edges when flanging as otherwise the flange edge may begin to tear.

Dimension (A) = 5 mm.

  1. Adhesive
  2. Rear side wall

Also seal in area (3) according to standard.

IMPORTANT: Flange edge must be completely filled with adhesive!

Fig. 386: Identifying Rear Side Wall Adhesive Applying Area

After adhesive has hardened in sill area, install an EMC SCREW.


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