BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Service Information

Instrument Cluster Test Functions

The test functions are shown in the TFT display of the instrument cluster.

To Start Function Test

  • Terminal R ON or terminal 15 ON.
  • Press and hold the reset button in the instrument cluster for 10 seconds (set/reset).


  • by holding down the setting button in the instrument cluster and simultaneously switching on terminal R.

Display of Test Functions

The test functions appear in the center of the TFT display, between the two dials.

Only tests one through four are unlocked. All other test functions are unlocked by entering the sum of the digits in the vehicle identification number while in test function 4.

To End Test Function

  • Ignition key at terminal R or terminal 15 ON.
  • Press and hold the reset button for longer than 10 seconds.

The main menu appears in the instrument cluster

  • Press the reset button repeatedly until "Test End" is highlighted and then hold down the reset button until the words "Test End?" appear or
  • call up test function 19 (RESET).

NOTE: To protect against unauthorized access, all test functions (with the exception of test 1 and test 2), are locked again after a RESET and "sleep cycle".

Overview of Test Functions

Only the main test functions are listed in the following table.

In addition to the majority of test functions, there are further equivalent functions for which a similar display appears in the instrument cluster.

All the described test functions can also be performed via the BMW diagnostics system.


  1. Identification
  2. System test
  3. Test End
  4. Unlock test functions
  5. Current consumption
  6. Range consumption
  7. Fuel gauge values
  8. Coolant temperature, outside temperature
  9. On-board computer average values
  10. Speedometer/revolution counter
  11. Display of operating voltage
  12. Trigger acoustic signals
  13. Read fault codes
  14. Dim LCD
  15. Dim/PWM signal
  16. Condition Based Service
  17. Check Control
  18. Correction factor for consumption values
  19. Software reset/RAM reload

Component Replacement and Trial Replacement

There are three possible combinations for replacing the instrument clusters and Car Access System 4, CAS 4.

  • Instrument cluster defective, CAS 4 OK
  • CAS 4 defective, instrument cluster OK
  • CAS 4 and instrument cluster must be replaced.

Simultaneous replacement of CAS 4 and the instrument cluster should be avoided. The odometer reading will be lost as a result.

In principle, it is also possible to carry out a trial replacement of the instrument cluster and CAS 4.

Central Information Display (CID)

Service Mode

The controller can be used to activate the Service mode functions.

The Service mode is a special facility which provides information about the status of the display and user control system.

NOTE: This function was created to aid in diagnosis and is not intended for the customer.

The Service mode can be used, for example, to read out hardware/software versions for the Central Information Display or control units in the CIC system network.

As an addition to the comprehensive facilities of the diagnosis system, the Service mode serves as a simple means of quickly accessing diagnostic data without a BMW diagnosis system.

Activating the Service Mode

In the main menu, push the controller forwards and hold there for longer than 10 seconds.

Tactile feedback will then be generated.

Then proceed as follows:

  • Turn the controller 3 stops clockwise
  • Turn controller 3 stops anticlockwise
  • Turn controller 1 stops clockwise
  • Turn controller 1 stops anticlockwise
  • Turn controller 1 stops clockwise
  • Press the controller; the Service mode is added as the last menu item in the "Settings" menu.

The first menu level contains the following submenus:

  • Navigation Service
  • Telephone
  • Gracenote.

Displays, Indicators And Controls
Fig. 30: Display Navigation Service

NOTE: Push the controller in any direction to return to the main menu.


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