BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Functions

Signal Detection

The functions of the steering column switch cluster are:

  • Detecting the switching signals of the steering-column switches
  • Detecting the controls in the multifunction steering wheel
  • Resetting the turn indicator
  • Transmitting and receiving information.

Detecting the Switching Signals of the Steering-column Switches

The switching signals of the F01/F02 steering-column switches are triggered by the steering column stalks. The relevant switches are located on the printed-circuit board of the steering column switch cluster. The steering column stalks do not have detent notches. Therefore, each time the steering column stalks are operated, they return automatically to their starting position.

The resistance to movement of the steering column stalks is increased at the end stops and in the individual switching positions. This provides the customer with noticeable feedback on the respective lever position.

The toggle switch is designed as locking. Three stop positions are available.

Steering Column Switch Cluster
Fig. 127: Identifying Steering Column Switch Cluster F01/F02


  1. Steering column stalk for turn-indicator/high-beam switch
  2. Connection to the priming caps of the airbag
  3. Retaining pin for steering column switch cluster
  4. Steering wheel driver
  5. Connection to horn button, multifunction buttons and steering wheel electronics
  6. Power supply connection for vibration actuator
  7. Steering column stalk wiper switch

Steering column stalk for turn-indicator/high-beam switch

The steering column switch cluster generates the switching signals depending on the respective position of the steering column stalk. The switching signals are made available by the steering column switch cluster across the FlexRay.

The footwell module receives the requests from the turn-indicator/high-beam switch as well as for the high-beam assistant.

Pressing the on-board computer button in the axial direction initiates the requests for the onboard computer. The steering column switch cluster sends the requests for display of the on-board computer functions across the FlexRay.

NOTE: In the case of vehicle equipment without the high-beam assistant, the button on the steering column stalk for turn-indicator/high-beam switch is not required.

Instead, a large button is used.

Steering Column Switch Cluster
Fig. 128: Identifying Movement Directions Of Steering Column Stalk F01/F02


  1. High-beam assistant button
  2. On-board computer button
  3. High-beam headlights
  4. Triple turn signal for turn indicator, passenger's side
  5. Continuous flashing for turn indicator, passenger's side
  6. Headlight flasher
  7. Triple turn signal for turn indicator, driver's side
  8. Continuous flashing for turn indicator, driver's side

Function matrix for turn-indicator/high-beam switch


Steering Column Switch Cluster

Steering Column Switch Cluster

Steering column stalk wiper switch

This steering column stalk is designed exclusively for the front wiper/washer system. All requests for the wiper/washer system are detected in the steering column switch cluster. The steering column switch cluster sends the requests across the FlexRay to the junction box electronics. The junction box electronics execute the requests.

Steering Column Switch Cluster
Fig. 129: Identifying Function Matrix, Steering Column Stalk Wiper Switch


  1. Steering column stalk wiper switch
  2. Intensity of rain-light-solar-condensation sensor
  3. Function indicator, automatic wiping activated
  4. Rain-light-solar-condensation sensor button


Steering Column Switch Cluster

Steering Column Switch Cluster

Rain-light-solar-condensation sensor

If the vehicle is in the automatic mode via rain-light-solar-condensation sensor, the function matrix of the steering column stalk is altered. Please refer to the following function matrix for the functions.

Function matrix, steering column stalk for wiper/washer system


Steering Column Switch Cluster

Steering Column Switch Cluster


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