BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Steering Column Switch Cluster



The Steering Column Switch Cluster - An Interface The steering column switch cluster is a "mechanical and electrical interface" from the steering wheel to the vehicle; it is firmly connected mechanic

 System Overview

Input/output Diagram, Steering Column Switch Cluster Fig. 125: Steering Column Switch Cluster Input/Output Diagram COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION CHART Steering column stalk for turn-indicator/high-beam sw


Signal Detection The functions of the steering column switch cluster are: Detecting the switching signals of the steering-column switches Detecting the controls in the multifunction steering wheel


 Ambient air package- Inserting fragrance cartridges

The fragrance cartridges are located in the glove compartment. Open the glove compartment. Front passenger side glove compartment Press on the bottom of the cartridge holder. The cartridge holder slides down. Remove the cover of the fragrance cartridge. Hold the cover on the top to slide

 Socket for OBD Onboard Diagnosis

General information Devices connected to the OBD socket trigger the alarm system when the vehicle is locked. Remove any devices connected at the OBD socket before locking the vehicle. Safety information NOTICE The socket for Onboard Diagnosis is an intricate component intended to be used in conjunct

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