BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Cooling System / Engine Radiator With Attachment / Removing And Installing/Replacing Radiator For Charge Air Cooler (N63, N74)

BMW 7 Series: Removing And Installing/Replacing Radiator For Charge Air Cooler (N63, N74)

WARNING: Risk of scalding! Only perform this repair work after engine has cooled down.

IMPORTANT: When carrying out repair work on the coolant circuit, protect the alternator from dirt contamination.

Cover alternator with suitable materials.

Failure to comply with this procedure may result in an alternator malfunction.

Necessary preliminary work

  • Remove COOLING LOOP for hydraulic steering (not ALPINA B7).
  • Drain coolant for charge air cooler.

Release and disconnect coolant hoses (1).

Release lock (2).

Pull lines (3) with holder upwards.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 53: Identifying Coolant Hoses With Pressure Lines And Locks

Lift out radiator for charge air cooler (1).

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 54: Lifting Out Radiator For Charge Air Cooler

Assemble engine.

After completing the repair work, fill charge air cooler with coolant.


Check cooling system for tightness.

Assemble engine.


IMPORTANT: Risk of scalding! Only perform this repair work after engine has cooled down.


Catch and dispose of drained coolant in a suitable container.

Transmission oil emerges when the engine oil lines are detached from transmission oil cooler.

Catch and dispose of escaping transmission oil in a suitable container.

Observe country-specific waste disposal regulations.

Necessary preliminary work

  • Drain COOLANT.
  • Remove FAN COWL.

Release and disconnect coolant hoses (1).

Unscrew nuts (2).

Tightening torque 17 10 4AZ.

Remove thermostat insert (3).

Installation note:

  • Clean contact surfaces.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 55: Identifying Coolant Hoses With Mounting Nuts

Assemble engine.

Check the OIL LEVEL in the automatic transmission. If necessary, top up automatic transmission fluid.


WARNING: Risk of scalding! Only perform this work after engine has cooled down.

IMPORTANT: Wear safety goggles and protective gloves.

Necessary preliminary work

  • Remove front BUMPER TRIM

IMPORTANT: Adhere to conditions of absolute cleanliness when working on the transmission oil circuit.

When removing transmission oil lines and the transmission oil cooler, seal off all openings with suitable plugs.

To avoid transmission damage, do not allow any dirt particles to get into the transmission oil circuit.


Transmission oil escapes when oil lines are released. Catch and dispose of escaping transmission oil.

Observe country-specific waste disposal regulations.

Release screw (1) on line clip.

Tightening torque 17 22 1AZ.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 56: Identifying Line Clip

Release bolt (1) on transmission oil cooler.

Tightening torque 17 22 2AZ.

Detach oil lines from transmission oil cooler.

Replace O-rings.

Seal oil lines with suitable sealing plugs.

Catch and dispose of escaping transmission oil.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 57: Identifying Transmission Oil Cooler Mounting Bolts

Picture shows the right side, the procedure for the left side is identical.

Press together the retaining clips (1) on the left and right Remove transmission oil cooler towards front.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 58: Identifying Transmission Oil Cooler Mounting Clips

Only when replacing transmission oil cooler, modify holders on left and right.

Release screw (1).

Tightening torque 17 22 3AZ.

Remove holders on left and right.

Engine Radiator With Attachment
Fig. 59: Identifying Transmission Oil cooler Mounting Screw

NOTE: After completing work, check transmission oil level and top up transmission oil if necessary.


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