BMW 7 Series: Replacing Rear Cross Member On Luggage Compartment Floor (Tail
Panel Removed)
Read contents of BODY, GENERAL.
Observe new procedure for bonding and riveting (REPAIR STAGE 2).
Following new body parts are required:
- End of luggage compartment floor
Following consumables are required:

Fig. 349: Identifying End Of Luggage Compartment Floor
Removing cross member
Open welded connections in area (1) and remove cross member (2).

Fig. 350: Identifying Welded Connections Area
New part preparation
Adjust cross-member in combination with tail panel to fit and secure.
Drill 12 dia. 4.2 mm holes for blind rivets in area (1).
Remove new part again and deburr bore holes.

Fig. 351: Identifying Blind Rivets Area
Installing cross member
IMPORTANT: Do not grind new parts and body in area of bonding surfaces.
Clean all bonding surfaces on new part and on vehicle with cleaning agent R1.
Apply adhesive to bonding surfaces.
Install cross member and secure with blind rivets After adhesive has hardened:
In the connection area of cross member to side member, fit 2 EMC SCREWS.
NOTE: Owing to the different engine variants and equipment specifications,
not all the
components are taken into consideration.
The following list basically represents the removal sequence.
Clamp o
Read contents of BODY, GENERAL.
Use only approved SPOT-WELDING APPARATUS for repairs.
The following new bodywork parts are required:
Cover, side member, rear (component is included on new side pan
Loosen wheel bolts.
Raise car so that wheel can be turned freely.
Release wheel studs to such an extent that the wheel can move freely on the
wheel hub.
Turn wheel so that valve is face down.
Remove top wheel stud and insert wheel stud lock.
Fig. 72:
Vehicle features and
This chapter describes all standard, country-specific
and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to