BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Rear Axle / Final Drive / Replacing Shaft Seal For Drive Flange Left Or Right

BMW 7 Series: Replacing Shaft Seal For Drive Flange Left Or Right

Necessary preliminary tasks


Use special tools 00 5 010 and 32 1 060 /33 1 308 to remove radial shaft seal

Final Drive
Fig. 35: Removing Radial Shaft Seal Using Special Tools (00 5 010) And (32 1 060)

Installing new shaft seal

NOTE: The installation protective ring (1) serves to protect the sealing lips on radial shaft seal (2) when the output shaft is being installed.

Final Drive
Fig. 36: Identifying Protective Ring And Sealing Lips On Radial Shaft Seal

IMPORTANT: Installation protective ring (1) must not slip out of radial shaft seal!

Coat housing of sheet metal flange of radial shaft seal with APPROVED FINAL DRIVE OIL.

Drive in radial shaft seal as far as it will go with following special tools (depending on rear axle final drive/outer diameter).

33 5 130
33 5 140

Remove special tool.

Open installation protective ring (1).

Final Drive
Fig. 37: Installing Radial Shaft Seal Using Special Tools (33 5 130) And (33 5 140)

IMPORTANT: High installation forces indicate that the output shaft spline teeth are damaged or deformed! Check gearing, replace damaged parts if necessary.

Check dust plate (1) for damage, renew if necessary.

Replace circlip (2).

Coat highlighted contact surface (3) of output shaft with APPROVED FINAL DRIVE OIL.

Final Drive
Fig. 38: Identifying Dust Plate, Circlip And Coat Highlighted Contact Surface

Insert output shaft into rear axle final drive.

Pull out assembly protection ring at lug (1) until one of the two programmed rupture points gives.

Final Drive
Fig. 39: Identifying Lug

After installation

  • Check FINAL DRIVE OIL LEVEL , correct if necessary


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