BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals
BMW 7 Series (F01/F02) 2008-2015 Service Manual / Engine / Piston With Rings And Pin / Removing And Installing/Replacing All Pistons (N63) From 3/2011

BMW 7 Series: Removing And Installing/Replacing All Pistons (N63) From 3/2011


WARNING: Protective goggles must be worn when working on the gudgeon pin circlip.

IMPORTANT: If pistons and connecting rods are reused, they must be reinstalled in the same places.

Piston and piston pin are matched to each other and can only be replaced as a pair.

Conrod and conrod bearing cap are cracked.

Identification is effected by means of identical pairing letters on the connecting rod big end.

Mixing up the components will result in engine damage.

Conrod bearings must always be replaced.

Necessary preliminary tasks

  • Fully remove front axle together with engine.
  • Remove ENGINE from front axle.
  • Install engine on assembly stand.
  • Removing oil sump.
  • Remove OIL PUMP.

To release the connecting rod bolts (1), the crankshaft (2) must be moved to a suitable position.

Release connecting rod bolts (1).

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 173: Identifying Connecting Rod Bolts And Crankshaft

Screw the special tool 2 249 164 (assembly tool) into the connecting rod.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 174: Identifying Special Tool 2 249 164 Secured To Connecting Rod

NOTE: For installation and dismantling of the connecting rods, it is essential for the crankshaft to be exactly in alignment with the cylinder bore.

Position crankshaft at central bolt.

Insert special tool 11 8 152 into conrod.

Press out the connecting rod and piston with special tool 22 49 164 towards the cylinder head side.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 175: Removing Conrod With Piston From Cylinder Head Side

IMPORTANT: Pistons and gudgeon pins are paired and must not be fitted individually.

Lift out circlip and press out piston pin.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 176: Removing Retaining Ring From Piston

If necessary, replace connecting rods.

NOTE: The connecting rod can also be replaced individually.

The gudgeon pin must be able to be pressed through the bush by hand with little force and must not display any significant play.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 177: Installing Gudgeon Pin

Prior to installation, measure piston installation clearance: Measure piston diameter with micrometer at measuring point A from lower edge of piston and offset at 90º to the axis of the gudgeon pin.


Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 178: Measuring Piston Diameter

Adjust micrometer to cylinder bore of engine block. Set internal calliper on micrometer to zero. Measure bottom, center and top of cylinder bore in direction of travel and direction of engine rotation.

Refer to:


Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 179: Checking Diameter Of Cylinder Bore

Installation note: Piston circlip (1) is correctly installed when the opening points upwards.

See illustration.

It must still be possible for the gudgeon pin to be moved easily.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 180: Locating Piston Circlip

Insert the special tools 22 49 164 (assembly tool) into the connecting rod.


Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 181: Inserting Special Tools 11 8 151 And 11 8 152 Into Conrod

Lightly coat pistons and piston rings with oil.

Offset the contact points of the piston rings by approx. 120º to each other but do not position above the piston pin boss.

NOTE: Illustration shows S85.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 182: Identifying Piston Rings Offset Contact Points

Keep piston rods compressed with special tool 11 7 280.

Install piston so that arrow points to camshaft drive.

IMPORTANT: Risk of piston ring breakage.

Press in piston only with finger force (do not knock in!).

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 183: Compressing Piston Rods With Special Tool 11 7 280

The direction arrow on the piston crown must point to the camshaft drive (direction of travel towards front).

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 184: Identifying Piston Crown Direction

Connect the crankshaft journal to connecting rod.

Remove special tools 22 49 164.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 185: Connecting Crankshaft Journal And Connecting Rod And Removing Special Tools 22 49 164

NOTE: For purposes of clarity, the pairing letters (1) are shown on the removed connecting rod.

IMPORTANT: Connecting rods and connecting rod bearing caps are denoted with the same pairing letters (1), do not mix them up.

Fit bearing cap so that pairing letters match up.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 186: Identifying Conrods And Conrod Bearing Caps Pairing Letters

Apply light coat of oil to connecting rod bearing shells.

Fit bearing cap so that pairing letters match up.

Install new connecting rod bolts.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 187: Locating Conrod Bolts

Tighten down connecting rod bolts (1) with special tool 00 9 120.

Tightening torque 11 24 1 AZ.

Piston With Rings And Pin
Fig. 188: Tightening Down Connecting Rod Bolts With Special Tool 00 9 120


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