BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Steering Wheel Button Block

Button block for driving functions

The steering wheel contains a button block for the Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) or Active Cruise Control (ACC) Stop&Go functions. The button block is located on the left-hand side of the steering wheel.

Steering Column Switch Cluster
Fig. 138: Identifying Steering Wheel Button Block For Driving Functions


  1. Set button
  2. Reduce distance button (ACC)*
  3. Toggle switch
  4. Increase distance button (ACC)*
  5. Switching DCC/ACC to standby or switching off
  6. Resume/call-up stored speed button

* Buttons 2 and 4 are only present on vehicles with the option Active Cruise Control Stop&Go.

The SET button can be used to set the desired driving speed.

The toggle switch be moved upwards or downwards and is not designed as locking. Each time the toggle switch is operated, it returns to its home position. Each direction of the toggle switch has two stages. See table.

The l/0 button can be used to switch the Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC) and Active Cruise Control (ACC) Stop&Go function to standby or to switch it off.


+2 Increase driving speed in steps of 10 kph (6 mph)
+1 Increase driving speed in steps of 1 kph (.5mph)
+- 0 Toggle switch in home position
-1 Reduce driving speed in steps of 1 kph (.5 mph)
-2 Reduce driving speed in steps of

Pressing the RES button (resume) calls up and activates the last stored driving speed value.

Button block for telephone/radio

The button block is located on the right-hand side of the steering wheel. The buttons can be used to operate functions for the radio or telephone.

The MODE button can be used e.g. to switch between the individual audio sources.

Operating the toggle switch + or -changes the radio volume, for example.

The knurled wheel is designed as locking. Operating the knurled wheel (turning upwards or downwards) selects individual radio stations, for example.

Pressing the knurled wheel memorizes the selection of the radio station, for example.

Steering Column Switch Cluster
Fig. 139: Identifying Button Block For Telephone/Radio


  1. MODE button
  2. Toggle switch +
  3. Toggle switch -
  4. Hands-free button
  5. Telephone button
  6. Knurled wheel


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