BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: System Overview

Input/output slide/tilt sunroof

Sliding Tilting Sunroof
Fig. 31: Slide/Tilt Sunroof Input/Output Diagram


  1. Footwell module FRM
  2. Door contacts (4x) in the vehicle doors
  3. Driver's door lock barrel
  4. Wheel speed sensor
  5. Dynamic stability control
  6. Junction Box electronics JB PT-CAN Powertrain CAN
  7. Slide/tilt sunroof motors
  8. Roof control module
  9. Identification transmitter
  10. Outer door handles, driver's side and passenger side
  11. Car Access System 4 CAS 4

K-CAN2 - Body-CAN2

System Circuit Diagram - Slide/tilt Sunroof

Sliding Tilting Sunroof
Fig. 32: Slide/Tilt Sunroof System Circuit Diagram


  1. Hall sensors, driver's door lock barrel
  2. Footwell module (FRM)
  3. Car Access System (CAS)
  4. Slide/tilt sunroof motor
  5. Front power distribution box
  6. Roof control module FZD with button for slide/tilt sunroof
  7. Slide/tilt sunroof motor
  8. Remote control receiver in Diversity module

K-CAN2 - Body-CAN2
LIN-Bus - Local Interconnect Network bus
KI. 30 - Terminal 30

K-CAN2 signals at roof control module


Sliding Tilting Sunroof

Auto-remote opening and auto-remote closing can be operated from the identification transmitter/remote control or via the lock barrel in the driver's door. This is done by holding down the lock/unlock button until the slide/tilt sunroof is closed/opened.

The lock barrel operates in a similar fashion. The mechanical key must be held in the lock/unlock position until the slide/tilt sunroof is closed/opened.

With comfort access, the slide/tilt sunroof can be closed by touching the touch-sensitive area on the outer door handle. The touch-sensitive area must be touched until the slide/tilt sunroof is closed.



    Overview The roof control module receives signals from the other control units for the functions of the slide/tilt sunroof. The executing control unit is the roof control module. It controls the sl

     System Components

    Spare Parts of Slide/tilt Sunroof The slide/tilt sunroof in the F01/F02 consists The following table lists the most important of mechanical and electrical components. COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION CHART El

     Service Information

    Initialization Initialization of the slide/tilt sunroof involves the following procedures that are necessary to ensure complete functionality of the slide/tilt sunroof: Normalization Normalization


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