BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Controls

Parking Brake Button

The parking brake button supplies the EMF control unit with the button operation signal. The signal is duplicated on the parking brake button and transmitted to the EMF control unit via double direct wired connections. It not only enables the EMF control unit to distinguish between the resting position and the two directions of operation (release/apply). Faults can also be detected (e. g. broken circuit, short circuit). If such a fault is detected, the function of the parking brake can still be maintained in most cases.

Longitudinal Dynamics Systems
Fig. 74: Identifying Parking Brake Button With Function Indicator Lamp

In contrast with the button on the E70/E71, the parking brake button on the F01/F02 has a function indicator lamp. It is an LED that tells the driver when the parking brake is on. The EMF control unit directly controls that LED.

It is important to note that the button directly behind it for the Automatic Hold function is not wired to the EMF control unit but to the DSC control unit.

Emergency release

The cable for emergency release of the parking brake is accessible via the trunk.

However, the cable is located underneath the trunk floor trim, which on the F01/F02 can not be simply taken out.

Longitudinal Dynamics Systems
Fig. 75: Removing Trunk Floor Trim, F01/F02


  1. Plastic nut (size 10mm)
  2. Emergency release tool
  3. Trunk floor trim

Under a flap there are two plastic nuts which fix be removed. The emergency release tool (red the trunk floor trim in place. Those nuts must T-shaped handle) incorporates a plastic first be undone before the trunk floor trim can socket for unscrewing the nuts.

Longitudinal Dynamics Systems
Fig. 76: Identifying Emergency Release Tool, F01/F02


  1. Slot for accepting the EMF emergency release cable
  2. Socket (size 10mm) for unscrewing the plastic nuts on the trunk floor trim
  3. Square key for releasing the automatic transmission parking lock

Once the trunk floor trim has been removed, the emergency release cable is directly accessible. The handle of the release tool is hooked onto the end of the emergency release cable by means of the slot provided.

Pulling the cable up operates the emergency release mechanism in the EMF actuator unit. There is a noticeable jolt when it releases. The cables to the two duo-servo parking brakes are then released from the force acting on them. The parking brake is thus released.

Longitudinal Dynamics Systems
Fig. 77: Releasing Electromechanical Parking Brake, F01/F02


  1. Bowden cable, emergency release (EMF)
  2. Emergency release tool


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