BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 7 Series: Replacing Complete Tail Panel

Read contents of BODY, GENERAL.


NOTE: Observe new procedure for bonding and riveting (REPAIR STAGE 2).

Operation is partially described on the left side. Right side identical.

Following new body parts are required (refer to Electronic Parts Catalogue - EPC):

  1. Rear panel

Following consumables are required:




Fig. 326: Identifying Rear Panel

Removing rear trim panel Release screws (1) and remove support (2).

Tightening torque 41 34 1AZ.

Version with automatic tailgate actuation: Shut down automatic read lid actuation.

IMPORTANT: Risk of damage to spindle drive: only move tailgate slowly by hand.

If necessary, remove spindle drive.

Fig. 327: Identifying Screws And Support

Open welded connections in areas (1).

Open welded connections in areas (2) from inside.

Remove rear trim.

Fig. 328: Identifying Welded Connections Areas

Preparation of new part

Slide in rear panel (1) from below in upward direction and adjust to fit and secure in conjunction with tailgate and rear lights.

NOTE: On vehicles with a sensor for lane change warning , also check the bumper guide for correct seating.

Fig. 329: Sliding Rear Trim Panel

IMPORTANT: Fixing screws must not be used in area (1)

In areas (2 to 5) set 4.2 mm dia. holes for blind rivets: N3



Fig. 330: Identifying Blind Rivet Holes Area

In area (1) set 8 holes for blind rivets N3. In so doing, drill the two outer holes from the inside outwards.

Then connect the outer holes on the outside with a line. Drill the remaining holes on the line from the outside.

Fig. 331: Identifying Blind Rivet Holes Area

In area (1) set seven 4.2 mm holes for N3 blind rivets.

IMPORTANT: No blind rivets may be used in areas (2)! Dimension A = 10 cm

Remove new part again and deburr holes.

Fig. 332: Identifying Blind Rivet Holes Area

IMPORTANT: Do not grind/sand new part in area of bonding surfaces.

Installing rear trim panel

Clean all bonding surfaces on new part and on vehicle with cleaning agent R1.

Apply adhesive K5b to bonding surfaces.

Make sure adhesive application is closed in area (1)! (watertightness).

Fig. 333: Identifying Rear Panel Adhesive Application Area

Slide in rear trim panel (1) from bottom upwards.

Rivet rear panel.

NOTE: When sliding in rear trim panel, make sure there is sufficient adhesive on bonding surfaces.

Fig. 334: Sliding Rear Trim Panel

In area (1), rivet tail panel with 4 punch rivets N4.

Fig. 335: Identifying Tail Panel Punch Rivets Area

Press rear panel in area (1) and remove emerging adhesive.

Before the adhesive has hardened, install the support for the bumper trim.

IMPORTANT: Prevent emerging adhesive from coming into contact with support.

Fig. 336: Identifying Rear Panel Adhesive Application Area

After adhesive has hardened:

In areas (2), use 2 EMC SCREWS.

Fig. 337: Identifying Adhesive Areas


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